show.region(ProGenExpress)R Documentation

A utility function from ProGenExpress which prints the data for a genomic region to the screen and draws a plot of that region


A utility function from ProGenExpress which prints the data for a genomic region to the screen and draws a plot of that region


show.region(linked = NULL, start = NULL, stop = NULL, 
                cnames = "M", pad = 5000, distscale = 50)


linked A data frame consisting of gene names, locations on the genome and numerical values to be plotted. Must have numerical columns "Start" and "Stop" indicating the location on the genome of genes or features
start The Synonym name for the first gene to be plotted
stop The Synonym name for the last gene to be plotted
cnames Vector of column names in linked which contain the numerical values to be plotted
pad A numerical value - number of bases beyond start and stop to encompass
distscale Controls whether or not the distance between groups of bars should represent intergenic distance. If set to NULL, intergenic distance is ignored and groups of bars are plotted equally spaced on the genome. If set to any other value than NULL, intergenic distance is taken into account. If not NULL, the distance between genes A and B is set to: ((number bp between A and B) / distscale) + 1, where the unit is the width of one bar. This ensures that there is always a gap of at least 1 between groups of bars representing distinct genes. A low value of distscale will really emphasize the intergenic distance, whereas a high value will not. A value between 10 and 100 is reccomended for most prokaryotic genomes, although as with most things, this is a matter of preference. Defaults to NULL.


The data for the region is printed to the screen and a plot is drawn


Michael Watson


        # load the IFR microarray data

        # read in an NCBI .ptt file for S typhimurium
        data(STLT2) # produced by 'STLT2 <- read.ptt("NC_003197.ptt")'

        # link the genome and the microarray data on Synonym columns
        # we want one value per gene and so we average over the values
        linked <- linkem.avg(STLT2,IFR,"Synonym","Synonym",cnames=c("M4h","M8h","M12h"))

        # find interesting regions
        reg <- find.region(linked, cnames=c("M4h","M8h","M12h"))

        # examine the first region
        show.region(linked,start=reg[1,1],stop=reg[1,2], cnames=c("M4h","M8h","M12h"))

[Package ProGenExpress version 1.0 Index]